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Invite Bot
required arguments in []
CONFIG (commands require user to have admin)
whitelist [on/off] - Whitelists a channel for the auto generation function.
log [on/off] - Allows Jom to read and record messages from the channel into its database.
blockmentions [on/off] - Turns off Joms ability to mention users in its messages.
Probability [1-100] - Allows the user to change the response chance of the auto message system
help - Displays the current message.
invite - Sends the user who triggered the command an invite link for the bot.
support - Sends an invite link to the support server.
privacy - Sends a link to the bots privacy policy.
trigger or t - Causes Jom to send a message.
impact or i - Causes Jom to send an AI generated impact meme.
tts or s - Causes jom to send an MP3 text to speech file.
old or o - Causes jom to send a message using its old text generation system. (makes messages much more chaotic)